Next, with the HTML source code at hand, the bot is able to reach the node where target data lies and parse the data as it is commanded in the scraping code.With the target URL entered, it sends a request to the server and gets information back in the HTML file. Firstly, a web scraping bot simulates the act of human browsing the website.In the meantime, instruments like Regex ( Regular Expression) enable data cleaning during the scraping process, which means people can get well-structured clean data one-stop. Web scraping is a way of gathering data from web pages with a scraping bot, hence the whole process is done in an automated way. The technique allows people to obtain web data at a large scale fast. How much do you know about web scraping? No worries, this article will brief you on the basics of web scraping, how to access a web scraping tool to get a tool that perfectly matches your needs, and last but not least, present you with a list of web scraping tools for your reference.